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Latest activity by Debbie
  • Debbie created an article,

    How to Submit a Law Enforcement Request to NairaEx

      Introduction. At NairaEx, we are committed to cooperating with law enforcement agencies to ensure the safety and security of our users and the wider community. To facilitate this process, we have...

  • Debbie created an article,

    Key properties of Bitcoin

      Designed to fit all the fundamental properties of money better than gold or fiat.   Limited Supply: there will only ever be 21,000,000 Bitcoins in existence. Decentralized: Bitcoin is globally d...

  • Debbie created an article,

    How do I create a wallet

        Most wallets have a mobile app So simply ‘Download’ choice wallet app from the Apple Store or Play Store. Complete Registration. Proceed to Verification which could include fingerprint access....

  • Debbie created an article,

    What is a Transaction ID?

      Transaction ID or TxID or Hash ID is a unique set of alphanumeric characters used to uniquely identify a transaction. Every transaction on the Blockchain is visible to all; so once you get the wa...

  • Debbie created an article,

    Who is Satoshi?

        Satoshi Nakamoto is the person credited with the creation of Bitcoin and its underlying Blockchain technology. The term ‘Satoshi’ could also be used to represent the smallest unit of divisible...

  • Debbie created an article,

    How do I Trade Cryptocurrency?

      Cryptocurrency as assets is always in huge demand hence, you could buy/sell/exchange readily and at any time on the following platforms: A trusted platform like by following simp...

  • Debbie created an article,

    What is Ethereum (ETH)?

      Ethereum is the most popular altcoin with its Blockchain which now forms the base for many other cryptocurrencies. Just like Bitcoin, ETH is hinged on a distributed public Blockchain network and...

  • Debbie created an article,

    What is XRP?

      With lots of activities and institutional partnerships, Ripple (XRP) is a digital currency to look out for. Currently ranked 2nd by coin market cap after dethroning Ethereum (ETH). XRP serves as...

  • Debbie created an article,

    What is Litecoin (LTC)?

      Litecoin (LTC) launched in 2011 by Charlie Lee is a digital currency with a few similarities to Bitcoin. Litecoin was created as an online payment option, is currently 7th by market capitalizatio...

  • Debbie created an article,

    What is Bitcoin Cash (BCH)?

      Bitcoin Cash is a Hard Fork of Bitcoin. Was created in mid-2017 and refers to another split digital currency from Bitcoin. It was created to increase the block size and number of transactions pro...